
Command and conquer generals no cd patch 1.07
Command and conquer generals no cd patch 1.07

command and conquer generals no cd patch 1.07

Steroids Bug - Cheating in multiplayer games by using the Steroids cheat has been prevented.Cheats Removed from Multiplayer - The GAIA, Reveal Map, and No Fog cheats have been removed from multiplayer.

command and conquer generals no cd patch 1.07 command and conquer generals no cd patch 1.07

Building and Training at Incorrect Building Bug - You can no longer train units at a building not intended for that purpose.Farm Bug - When both a farmer and Farm are selected at the same time, pressing "S" no longer causes the farm to replenish the amount of food available.Converted Dock Bug - You can no longer continue to trade at your dock after it has been converted.Building Through Diagonal Walls Bug - A villager can no longer build a building on the opposite side of a diagonal enemy wall.Deleted Shallows Object Bug - If you delete shallows in the map editor, units can no longer walk over the old shallows area.Wall Overrun Bug - If you build a wall from the inside of the map to the edge, it will no longer build wall foundations all the way across the map.Market Tribute Bug - If you have an incompletely built market, you can no longer send a tribute until it is completed.In previous versions of Age of Empires, they worked 30% percent faster. Phoenician Woodcutting Bonus - Phoenician villagers now work 15% faster.The amount of food the Shang player starts with was reduced by 40. Shang Food Cost - The cost of a Shang villager was reduced to 40 food.This is a keyboard-only command there is no on-screen control for it. ) cycles though all idle villagers and boats in the game. ) key selects and centers the view on a villager or fishing boat that is not assigned a task. Idle Villager Key - Pressing the period (.

Command and conquer generals no cd patch 1.07